KnowledgePlace Hub
Polish Product

Tool Introduction

Collaboration aspect

Workflow is the result of various types of triggers. Based on an analytical approach, Project Knowmad provides a tool that supports the flow of activity in projects. The flow of activity is controlled by every team member, depending on his or her scope of work, or project role.

Defining new workflow is a standard procedure which enables better control of project actvity. This includes evaluation of output and outcomes, every single time a new trigger is identified.

Project Organization is an important theme. According to HybridP3M, there is a fixed set of project roles that needs to be distributed among project team members. This set and distribution of roles helps to organize projects. Project roles are used in the process of delegating activities. The latter is a custom process based on the unique needs of a project.

Global Resourcing aspect

Global Resourcing is critical in order to find project members outside a personal social network. It works the same as a job board, only focuses on project professionals, both specialists and project managers, and is characterized by on-demand recruitment according to project needs and project progress.

Project success

The definition of Project Outcomes, including project benefits, project capabilities, and project results, raises awareness of concepts such as project success and value, during a project.

KnowledgePlace Legacy

Project Knowmad has evolved from KnowledgePlace into its current form. The two main additions are Workflow Management and Global Resourcing, both for free.

The evolution of Project Knowmad also implied more focus on process support and process knowledge. Methodological knowledge is a key element of project management.

Below is an old and simple blueprint of KnowledgePlace, depicting its architecture. KnowledgePlace, the predecessor of Project Knowmad, was not only a document repository for projects but a complete enterprise content management solution (Knowledge Portal). Project Knowmad continues this legacy.